Pre-appointment Information
Elective surgery, procedures, treatments and appointments
Joondalup Health Campus (JHC) continues to review how to manage its readiness and response to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.
Please read the following information to prepare for your elective surgery, procedure, treatment or outpatient appointment.
Please read the following information and watch the 'Patient Information Video' (accessed on the left of this screen) to prepare for your admission, treatment or outpatient appointment.
If you are being admitted for an elective day surgery, please watch the ‘Elective day procedure information video’.
If you are being admitted overnight for an elective surgery, please watch the ‘Elective overnight stay information video’.
- Do you have a cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or a sore throat?
- Have you developed a fever in the past five days?
- Are you experiencing muscle and joint pain, headache or fatigue?
- Have you a recent loss of taste or smell?
- Do you have abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhoea?
- Have you been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
- Have you received a positive COVID-19 test result in the last 10 days or are you awaiting results of a COVID-19 test?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions, you MUST discuss this with your admitting doctor.
If you have had COVID-19 in the eight weeks prior to your planned admission date, please contact your consultant to make sure that he/she is aware of this.
Elective surgery refers to non-emergency surgery that is medically necessary, but which can be delayed for at least 24 hours. If you have been scheduled for surgery, and placed on the elective surgery waiting list, the following information will assist you to understand the process.
Please read the following to prepare for your elective surgery, procedure, treatment or outpatient appointment.
Patients and visitors who are well and have no symptoms of COVID-19 are no longer required to undertake a RAT prior to entering the hospital/admission.
However, if you answered yes to one of the screening questions you should contact your admitting doctor to discuss
Please bring with you any letters or e-mails you have received with details of your procedure / treatment or appointment.
Do not attend the hospital if you are unwell. This includes, but is not limited to, having COVID-19/Influenza Type Illness symptoms.
Enter the hospital via the JHC public or private main entrance. Please present at the reception desk to be admitted into the hospital.
The admission staff will re-check the screening questions with you at this time.
Patients receiving care in the oncology unit/other outpatient clinics can enter those units directly.
If you attend the hospital with any influenza like symptoms, you must be further assessed by your treating team to assess your suitability for surgery / treatment.
Surgery or procedure
The risks associated with surgery or procedures are much higher for people with COVID-19 and must be weighed against the risks of delaying treatment.
It is highly likely that your surgery will be postponed if you test positive for COVID-19.
If your treating team determines you need urgent care, your surgery may go ahead as planned with a range of additional precautions. This may include moving you to an isolation area.
Outpatient appointment or attending for other treatment
Please call the outpatient/clinic to advise them if you have a positive COVID-19 result. They will advise you of the next actions.
It is likely that your appointment or treatment will be postponed if you test positive for COVID-19. If your treating team determines you need urgent care, your treatment may go ahead as planned with a range of additional precautions. This may include moving you to an isolation area.
For further information
If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss with or call the clinic/area that you will be visiting for your appointment/ admission.
Clerical pre-admission
Pre-admission is an important part of your hospital care. To ensure we can confirm your admission, financial and other arrangements, we ask that you:
If you have private health cover, please contact your health fund prior to completing your online admission form to check for any excess or waiting periods (refer to “Payment Information” for questions to ask your insurer). We know that health and billing charges can be difficult to understand and we are happy to assist in any way we can, however we also advise that you seek clarification from you doctor and health fund.
Nursing Pre-admission information
You may be contacted by telephone prior to your day of admission by our Pre-admission Nurse. If you are contacted:
- Your medical history will be reviewed with you and admission and discharge details discussed
- Please take this opportunity to discuss any concerns regarding your admission
Private Patients: Your doctor will notify the hospital of the date of your procedure / operation and inform you of your day and time of admission. Your doctor will also explain your procedure or operation and complete the consent form with you.
Pre-admission Clinic
You may be asked to attend a preadmission clinic so the nurse specialist can speak with you about your hospital stay; your operation; fasting details; when and if blood tests or other procedures need to be arranged; previous surgical and medical history, and address any concerns you may have. Your doctor will advise us if an Anaesthetic appointment is required. There may be a cost associated with this clinic.
Discharge planning will also be addressed (eg who will care for you at home, who will take you home on discharge etc). You are welcome to bring a relative or friend to the clinic.
On the day of admission
Please check in Private Reception on the ground floor of Joondalup Private Hospital at the time indicated by your doctor or by the hospital, and you will be escorted to your admission area.
Your doctor or pre-admission clinic nurse will inform you of the scheduled time for your surgery and when you should cease eating and drinking before your operation.
Please bring with you into hospital anything applicable to your admission including:
Doctor’s admission / referral letter
Health fund number / details (if applicable)
Medicare card
Regular medications in their original packaging plus a current medications list from your GP
Pension health benefits card (if applicable)
Pharmaceutical benefits card (if applicable)
Relevant x-rays and / or test results (relevant to this admission)
For a child – favourite toy, formula, bottle and any special dietary needs (if applicable)
Comfortable closed in shoes / slippers with non slip soles
Night wear
Cotton underwear
Physical aids (walking sticks, hearing aids, glasses)
Method for settling your account (cash, cheque, eftpos, visa or mastercard)
Mobile phone (please turn to silent/vibrate whilst in hospital, and turn OFF whilst in ICU or the Emergency Department).
Advanced Health Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (if appointed)
Laptop, IPAD, mobile phone etc (if you wish to access our high speed wireless computer network).
DO NOT (unless your doctor gives you special instructions):
Eat or drink milk for 6 hrs before your admission time. Drink water only after this time until 2 hrs before your admission time. Colonoscopy / bowel surgery: please refer to the specific fasting instructions you have been given by your doctor or at our preadmission clinic.
Smoke cigarettes or chew gum for 24 hours before your admission.
Wear jewellery. A wedding ring and watch are permitted. Remove any body piercing.
Bring valuables to hospital i.e large amounts of cash
Wear make-up or nail polish
Day Procedure patients (additional information)
Two business days prior to your procedure, our private reception staff will telephone day patients between the hours of 1:00pm – 6:00pm to confirm their arrangements. If you will be unavailable for this call, please telephone Private Reception on (08) 9400 9916.
Please shower, using the anti-bacterial sponge if you have been given one wash and dry your hair on the day of admission before coming to the Day Procedure Unit and put on clean clothes. Do not apply oils or moisturisers to your skin.
Wear garments that are comfortable and easy to remove. Procedure garments and a dressing gown will be provided.
A basic overnight bag is recommended for surgical patients in case of admission.
Allow a 3 - 4 hour stay for gastroenterology procedures (gastroscopy, colonoscopy)
Allow a 4 –8 hour stay for surgical procedures.
You will not be able to drive home and will need to arrange a driver.
Nursing staff will call your nominated driver when you are ready to be picked up.
You will need to arrange a responsible adult to be with you overnight.
Patients under 14 years of age will also require a second adult to accompany them in the car.
On the day of Admission
Please check in via our Joondalup Health Campus Reception located on the ground floor of Joondalup Health Campus (adjacent to P1 parking area off Shenton Avenue). From here you will be directed straight to our Paediatric Ward for admission.
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